
Company Profile

A-)1-Queue System

2- Coin Sorters and counters

3- Franking Machines

4- Currency Counters

5- Electronic Banknote Detectors

6- Strapping Machines

B-) Asphalt Mixture Products

C-) DIY ( Do It Your Self )

D-) Restaurant Business

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Electronic Banknot Detectors

Detector Plus Eurotester Money Scan

  Detector Plus,Eurotester,Money Scan:

The DETECTOR PLUS is an exceptional and highly efficient device whose highly sophisticated checking methods guarantee the acceptance of genuine banknotes.
Chip cards for the following currencies are currently available: USD, DEM, GBP, FRF, ITL, JPY, CHF, ATS, AUD, and ESP. The use of chip card technology also ensures that on the introduction of the EURO in 2002 only an additional chip card will be required to check the security areas of the new EURO banknotes.

EUROTESTER is an international banknote detector which instantly recognises areas that have been treated with particular inks.
These inks are picked up by infra-red and reveal the particular printing process used by many nations, both within and outside Europe.
The kit contains back up cards for all currencies using the type of protection detectable by this device: Italian Lira, German Mark, Pound Sterling, Spanish Peseta, Belgian Franc, Japanese Yen, Australian Dollar, Swiss Franc, EURO...

MONEY SCAN's unique infra-red system ensures the real time checking of nearly all the world's banknotes.
An infrared video camera reads the banknote and trasmits a filtered image onto a small LCD monitor. This checks the banknote's conformity to the original banknote design.
It is equipped with a control card for those foreign currencies whose protection system may be read by this device (Italian Lira, German Mark, French Franc, Pound Sterling, Spanish Peseta, Belgian Franc, Japanese Yen, Austrian Dollar, Swiss Franc, EURO...)
