
Company Profile

A-)1-Queue System

2- Coin Sorters and counters

3- Franking Machines

4- Currency Counters

5- Electronic Banknote Detectors

6- Strapping Machines

B-) Asphalt Mixture Products

C-) DIY ( Do It Your Self )

D-) Restaurant Business

Guest Book Page

CFF ( Cellulose-Fullstoff-Fabrik)

TECHNOCEL and TOPCEL ( The Asphalt Mixture Products)
The solution for is automatical production of TOPCEL consists of pure TECHNOCEL cellulose fibre the proven additive for the modern SMA road construction technology .We developed TOPCEL especially to achieve trouble free ,safe dosing of TECHNOCEL fibre for drum mixing plants and to facilitate hand-ling of the finre .It is self-explanatory that the stabilizing effect of TOPCEL equals the performance of loose fibres. SMA( Stone Mastic Asphalt) .


CFF Stabilizes Your Asphalt


*TOPCEL The fibre pellets. Best suited for fully automated dosing.

Highways Are The Lifelines Of Each Economy .

Modern economies cannot survive without roads and highways which allow for the flow of goods and services, thus paving the way for economic success.

Efficient infrastructures depend on stone mastic asphalt SMA.

Production ans lay-down of SMA is rather easy.

TECHNOCEL is guaranted the effetiveness and economical application as loose fiber or as TOPCEL pallet.

CFF is distributed by ETAS in Turkey and TECHNOCEL and TOPCEL is produced in Europe and in the United States.

Good economics combined with environmental soundness .Technocel fiber and Topcel meet this requirement .