
Company Profile

A-)1-Queue System

2- Coin Sorters and counters

3- Franking Machines

4- Currency Counters

5- Electronic Banknote Detectors

6- Strapping Machines

B-) Asphalt Mixture Products

C-) DIY ( Do It Your Self )

D-) Restaurant Business

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Queue System
Nemo-q International AB is a pioneer in the field of Queue , Management and information systems. With experience from thousands of installation for a new way of thinking . Nemo-q has the right tools for making office aftivities more cost effective

Active Waiting Machines

The ticket dispenser is found at the office entrance or for instance in a reception. The customer can choose the required kind of service by either pressing a button or by pointing at a touch screen. The ticket is issued along with general information such as approximate waiting time, date etc.
The dispenser can also be equipped with a card reader. This is a unique opportunity for the customer to quickly enter the system with the help of his/her personal card.
This card can be used to give customers priority, announce their arrival to a scheduled appointment or to a spontaneous meeting with customer service department etc.

All The Waiting Areas
A counter display is mounted at each service point ,displaying the individual ticket number being called to that position.
Customer Display Flats
While waiting , the customer receives continous information about the current queue situation from either customer displays and/or customer TV monitors-which can be made interactive.
Main Post Office,Stockholm,Sweden
The customer choose the desired kind of service at the ticket dispenser.Each dispenser can be equiped with a card reader for macnetic or smart cards
Nemo-Q system in a bank
The operator calls for the next customer from the counter terminal and simultaneously receives statistical information about the current queue situation.
A bank in Turkey with Nemo-q system
Forwarding of the next customer can also be carried out fully automatically systems
All equipment is guaranteed